Superintendent of Provincial Police Regarding KKK
Superintendent of Provincial Police
November 13th, 1925
I beg to quote hereunder from a letter received from Doctor Marvin G. Dunlevy of Portland, Oregon, in connection with the activities of one L. Powell, Organiser of the Ku Klux Klan in British Columbia. I also attach a quotation from one of the Portland papers which gives a short history of his activities in Oregon. You may consider that the information should be passed on to the R.C.M.P for their attention.
“It is in complete confidence that I write this. I see by our paper that one L.Powell, Esq., a Klan Organiser, is attempting his work in British Columbia. This rascal is well known in Oregon.
“This scheme is to try and get as much money as he can by organizing the Ku Klux Klan. They worked Oregon out and when the field became too tame for them now seek their work of destruction in BC. Powell and his followers caused trouble in Oregon and injured our State to the extent that it will take years to regain Oregon’s good name. Powell is devoid of common decency and can do nothing but harm in the place of my birth, BC. I was born in Victoria and my father P.C. Dunlevy was an old timer.”