Biddulph Council Minutes, 27 December 1879
Council room Clandeboye December 27th 1879
[...] Moved by P.O. Dewan Seconded by John Hodgins that the following accounts be paid and that the reeve Sign orders for the Same,
George Hodgins 1 sheep Killed and 4 damaged by dogs. 8.00
James Lusk 2 Sheep Killed and 3 Injured by dogs. 18.67
James Parr 1 lamb Killed and 6 Sheep and 1 lamb Injured. 7.34
John Darcey one Sheep Killed by dogs 5.34
John Ryan 2 Sheep Killed and 6 Injured by dogs 17.34
James Donnelly 2 Sheep Killed and 17 Injured by dogs. 12.00
Timothy Mackey one Sheep Killed by dogs. 2.67
Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Reaney Papers, Box 28, (B1312), File 50, Unknown, Biddulph Council Minutes, December 27, 1879.