Queen vs. Thomas Donnelly, Theft from William Easdale, 1876
City of London
The examination of William Esdale taken on oath this 17th day of March in the year of our Lord 1876 at London, in the City & County aforesaid before the undersigned, [illegible] of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said City & County in the presence and hearing of Thomas Donnelly who is charged this day before me for that he, the said, Thomas Donnelly at Lucan on or about the fourth of May 1875, did feloniously steal, take and carry away the sum of about fifty four dollars the property of the said William Esdale
This Depondent William Esdale upon his oath, saith as follows:-
[...] I was boarding at Levitts Hotel in Lucan. [...] I had 2 small pocket Books — one contained keys — the other contained about fifty four dollars in Bank Notes which I had got from the Bank of Commerce in Lucan. [...] I left the pocket books in my pants pockets on a chair near the head of the bed. [...] I remember getting up in the morning, and putting on my pants. I missed my pocket book with the money in which had been stolen while I was asleep. [...]
(signed) William Esdale
[testimony of William Dew]
[...] I saw the prisoner come and go up to the bed where Esdale was lying, and I saw him apparently taking something from the person or pocket of Esdale — who appeared to be asleep.
(signed) William Dew