[Queen vs. Thomas Donnelly et al, Assault and Robbery Against James Curry, 1875]
County of Middlesex
The examination of James Curry taken on oath this Fourteenth day of December in the year of our Lord 1875 at London in the City aforesaid, before the undersigned, I'm one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said City, in the presence and hearing of Thomas Donnelly who is charged this day before me for that he, the said Thomas Donnelly at Lucan in Said County on the 17th day of September 1875 did feloniously assault and Rob James Curry of the sum of seven dollars and 75 cents on the public Highway
This Deponent James Curry upon his oath saith as follows:-
I was at Walkers Tavern in Lucan at the time of the fight between Burchell and others — I left Walkers Tavern immediately after the Row was over, about half past 8 OClock I was going to Tavern and was on the sidewalk alone. The Defendant Thomas Donelly and James Keefe and James Donnelly with 3 or 4 Others that I did not know came up behind me and one of them knocked me down, I could not say who struck me down. I had been drinking but was not drunk — I was not knocked down by a blow but was violently shoved down off the sidewalk into the ditch. I tried to get up but then they kicked me I tried to [illegible] but was struck down. My arms were held down by two men, don't know who they were. The Prisoner Thomas Donnelly who I now identify then put his hand in the pocket of my pants, and took out a five dollar Bill, and about two dollars and seventy five cents in silver which was all the money I had. [...]
Prisoner Discharged