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[title page] SESSION OF APRIL 1920 COURT OF KING'S BENCH THE KING V MARIE-ANNE HOUDE ON INDICTMENT FOR MURDER ---- COPY ---- Death sentence pronounced [end of title page] Excerpt from the record of proceedings of the sessions of the Court of King's Bench of the Province of Quebec, sitting in the first instance in criminal matters in and for the District of Quebec, at the session of said Court which opened in the Court House in the City of Quebec on Tuesday, April sixth, nineteen hundred and twenty (1920) and was held there that day and subsequently, by virtue of several adjournments, the last of which was from Wednesday, May fifth, 1920, to Friday, May seventh, nineteen hundred and twenty, date on which said session closed. Quebec City, Wednesday, April twenty-second, nineteen hundred and twenty (1920): Present: The Honourable Louis-Philippe Pelletier, one of the Justices of the Court of King's Bench of the Province of Quebec, who presided at the trial by jury in the case of THE KING On indictment for murder and on conviction for said murder. In view of the fact that, on April 21, nineteen hundred and twenty, the said Marie-Anne Houde was convicted, by jury verdict, of murder in the case mentioned above, the Court orders that the said Marie-Anne Houde be taken back to the common gaol of the District of Quebec and be detained there until next Friday, October 1st, and that, on that day, Friday, October first, nineteen hundred and twenty, at eight o'clock in the morning, the said Marie-Anne Houde be hanged by the neck until death ensues. The said indictment, written in French, reads as follows: COURT OF KING'S BENCH The jurors of our Lord the King declare that, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and twenty, in the Parish of Sainte Philomène, in the County of Lotbinière, in the District of Quebec, Marie-Anne Houde, wife of Télesphore -2- Gagnon, of the said Parish of Sainte Philomène, killed and assassinated Aurore Gagnon, a minor aged sixteen years, by inflicting on her, during the twelve months that preceded the death of the said Aurore Gagnon, blows, wounds and other ill treatments that she, the said Marie-Anne Houde, knew to be of a nature to cause death, and of which the said Aurore Gagnon died on the twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and twenty. True excerpt Office of the Clerk of the Crown, Quebec City June 1920. Source: ANQ, , TP 12, S1, SS1, SSS1, 1960-01-357227, 3C 020 03-05-002A-01, Cour du banc du roi, assises criminelles, district de Québec, Sentence de mort prononcée contre Marie-Anne Houde, April 21, 1920, 3.
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