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[Letter form from Kingston Penitentiary] DATE April 11th 1927 [stamp of KINGSTON PENITENTIARY-CENSOR No2-APR 11 1927] [stamp of DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE-REMISSION BRANCH-APR 12 1927] To the Honorable the Minister of Justice Honorable Sir I Mary Houde an inmate of Kingston Penitentiary for six (6) years and seven (7) months do humbly pray you for my release on parole. If given my release I will go to my Brother William Houde, residing at St Sophie Levrarld Quebec. who is willnig and anxious to have me with him. I also have two (2) sons working and they too are anxious to have me at home and will help me until such time as can obtain imployment. I am anxious about my children whom I have not seen since my incircaration Hoping and praying you can, and will grant my release I beg to remain Your Humble servant Source: ANC, , RG 13, Box 1507, File Houde Marie-Anne, vol. 1, part. 1, Marie-Anne Houde, Letter from Marie-Anne Houde to the Minister of Justice, April 11, 1927, 1.
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