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More Indian Trouble AnticipatedThe British Columbian, December 7, 1864 We regret to learn from Mr. Callbreth, who arrived in this city last night, that the settlers in the neighbourhood of Williams Lake anticipate an attack from Indians. A few days ago as Mr. Dunlevy, one of the settlers, was riding along the road he was stopped by three strange Indians, armed to the teeth. He rode up to them with “six-shooter” presented and they retired. The bad Indians belonging to that district have recently disappeared, and it is believed they have coalesced with the remnant of the Chilacoaten murderers, and are organizing for the purpose of making a descent upon the settlers in that section of the country. The reasons for this suspicion are chiefly the appearance in the neighbourhood of strange Indians, under very suspicious circustances, the mysterious disappearance of resident Indians of the worst character, the fact that these Indians have recently expended all their means upon amunition, and because Chilacoaten Indians have stated to the Hudson Bay Company’s employees at Alexander that they contemplate a raid upon the white settlers of Williams Lake district. Mr. Moberly, who is expected to arrive by the Reliance, is the bearer of a petition from the settlers, representing the circumstances to His Excellency the Governor, and praying that protection may be extended to them. We sincerely trust these suspicions may turn out to be groundless; but when such men as Woodward, Way and Dunlevy apply for protection, we fear it is no bugaboo affair. Source: "More Indian Troubles Anticipated," The British Columbian, December 7, 1864.
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