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The Indian Difficulty and the Victoria PressThe British Columbian, July 9, 1864 It would be amusing if it had not become absolutely disgusting to observe the extent to which our island contemporaries get “stuffed” about British Columbia matters in general, and the Indian difficulty in particular. The papers brought up last night contain a thrilling account of the defeat of Cox’s party, resulting in the death of McLean, his sons and 40 of the men, while Commissioner Cox and the balance of the party are said to be taken prisoners. Upon this miserable “sell” the Editor of the Chronicle founds a leader in which, as usual, he endeavors to misrepresent and blame Governor Seymour. It is bad enough to publish every absurd rumor that comes to hand; but to be everlastingly on the qui vive for something upon which to ground an accusation against a gentleman who has acted throughout with so much promptitude and zeal is something worse than contemptible. Source: "The Indian Difficulty and the Victoria Press," The British Columbian, July 9, 1864.
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