On Trail and Rapid by Dog-Sled and Canoe: The Life of Bishop Bompas. The story of Bishop Bompas’s Life Amongst the Red Indians and Eskimos Told for Boys and Girls.
[H.A. Cody was an Anglican missionary in the Yukon who wrote a biography of Bishop W.C. Bompas, first Anglican bishop of the Yukon. Bompas was at Fortymile when the gold was found.]
Chapter XVII “The Golden Klondyke”
Gold had been discovered by a white man, George Carmack, and his Indian companions. It was on a little creek, a branch of the Klondyke, that the precious metal was found.
Source: H.A. Cody, On Trail and Rapid by Dog-Sled and Canoe: The Life of Bishop Bompas. The story of Bishop Bompas’s Life Amongst the Red Indians and Eskimos Told for Boys and Girls. (London: Seeley and Co., 1911)